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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

Has Google Forgotten Your MSP?

Is your MSP website not gaining any traction on Google? Do weeks or months pass with no change in page rank, or worse, no leads? If it feels like Google has forgotten about your MSP, chances are it has. Here are some things you can do to get back on Google’s radar.
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Cold Email Effectiveness: Tips for Better Results

Cold Email Effectiveness: Tips for Better Results

Email marketing is a supremely beneficial element of a managed service provider’s overall marketing strategy. Once you have permission to reach out to a contact via email, there are quite a few ways to use it to promote your business’ services.

One such way is through cold emails, but are they effective enough to bother with? Is there a more effective way you can send them?

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5 Types of Marketing Campaigns You Need to Be Using

5 Types of Marketing Campaigns You Need to Be Using Tactically

The idea of marketing can be intimidating, particularly for small (or, yes, even medium-sized) businesses. After all, other work must still be done, and properly promoting your company and its services can drain your resources. That said, marketing is something that no business can go without.

We’ve strategized and tested different ways to execute marketing efforts most effectively, so we can confidently recommend a few marketing campaigns. In our experience, the five you’ll see below are essential to any MSP’s success.

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7 Reasons Your Blog Sucks (And How to Fix It)

7 Reasons Your Blog Sucks (And How to Fix It)

Having a blog is critical to B2B marketing—it’s a great way to communicate your services and differentiators to your audience and an amazing way to provide value to your overall website experience.

However, if your blog isn’t built correctly, there’s no point in spending all that time writing and publishing great content. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest problems we see MSPs (and other businesses) run into when building their blogs.

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5 Steps to Creating a Killer MSP Business Plan

5 Steps to Creating a Killer MSP Business Plan

As a managed service provider (MSP), you know the importance of having a solid business plan. It serves as a roadmap for your business, outlining your goals, strategies, and financial projections. A well-crafted business plan can help you secure funding, attract clients, and guide your business toward success.

In this article, we’ll discuss the five essential steps to creating a killer business plan that will set your MSP up for growth and profitability.

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The Value of a Printed Newsletter Should Not Be Underestimated

The Value of a Printed Newsletter Should Not Be Underestimated

With so much focus on digital marketing nowadays, it can certainly be tempting to focus solely on these efforts… often, to the detriment of other forms, like print. We wanted to take a few moments to address this temptation and talk about how print marketing, specifically in the form of printed newsletters, still has a lot of value to offer businesses… particularly, managed service providers.

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Don’t Fall for These Image Copyright Infringement Scams

Don’t Fall for These Image Copyright Infringement Scams

Of all the shady scams on the Internet, image copyright infringement scams are among the worst. Let’s talk about what they are, who they victimize, and how you can beat them.

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Why You Need a Formalized Referral Process

Why It’s Important to Formalize Your Referral Process

The value of a good referral should not be underestimated. Not only do they help you acquire a new prospect without the typical marketing investments you would otherwise make, but they also typically enter your marketing funnel much closer to the purchase point than the average lead does.

However, don’t make the mistake of thinking that referrals will start flowing in without some effort on your part. Let’s discuss the processes you must adopt to encourage your clients to provide you with referrals.

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4 Reasons You Should Be Using Case Studies

4 Reasons You Should Be Using Case Studies

Case studies are a great example of marketing collateral that any business should consider using for various reasons. Let’s review a few of these reasons, then cover what a case study should provide and how to put it to use.

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What We Learned While Marketing Our Cybersecurity Lunch and Learn

What We Learned While Marketing Our Cybersecurity Lunch and Learn

We recently ran a Lunch and Learn series talking to local businesses about essential cybersecurity protections and laws they needed to uphold. We learned quite a bit throughout this process—thanks in no small part to an obstacle that suddenly required us to make some significant changes in the middle of our series—and wanted to share what we learned here so you could take advantage of the lessons the next time you plan an event… or how we can help you directly.

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11 Practices to Accelerate Your B2B Social Media Marketing

B2B Social Media Marketing

While it may not be the first marketing avenue that a business serving other businesses might consider an effective tactic, social media can actually present some significant benefits. These benefits only become more pronounced and apparent when a business’ social media adheres to certain best practices. Let’s go over them together so you can embrace them for yourself and your business.

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Stop Missing Your Marketing Targets

 Stop Missing Your Marketing Targets

Your business’ success is heavily influenced by your marketing. Similarly, your marketing’s success is heavily influenced by how accurately your marketing reaches who you want to be talking to… your prospects and even your current clients, your target audiences. They need your marketing to show them that your values align with theirs and that you’ll be invested in their success.

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Best Practices for Maintaining your Marketing Lists

Maintaining Your Marketing Lists

Ensuring your lists are well-managed, whether for email or direct mail campaign use, is crucial in optimizing your marketing strategy. Yet, the time-intensive process of both building and maintaining a list makes it a task prone to be neglected. 

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10 Ways to Supercharge Your Email Marketing Efforts

10 Ways to Supercharge Your Email Marketing Efforts

Email marketing remains one of the most popular ways businesses can nurture leads, build the necessary impressions to convert prospects, and maintain relationships with current clientele. With this popularity, however, comes plenty of competition for attention in recipients’ inboxes. This means you must do everything you can to make your email marketing as effective as possible.

Let’s review ten things we recommend you prioritize as you work toward this goal.

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7 Ways to Show Your Clients and Customers the Value You Offer

7 Ways to Show Your Clients and Customers the Value You Offer

It shouldn’t be surprising to think that your prospects—or even businesses you already work with—aren’t going to take you at your word that you and your services are the best option for their needs… as easy as that might make things. No, the hard truth is that you need your marketing to communicate the value your business and its services offer. Let’s go over a few ways you can ensure it does.

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Using JoomConnect to Streamline and Customize IT Support Requests

Using JoomConnect to Streamline and Customize IT Support Requests

We’ve always described JoomConnect as a marketing automation platform. After all, it integrates your website into ConnectWise and Autotask, so one of its biggest strengths is automating the lead generation process. With that said, our MSP has been using it for a long time to streamline our support process, and it’s done a lot to ensure that otherwise complicated tickets are handled much faster.

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How to Make Compound Marketing as Effective as Possible

How to Make Compound Marketing as Effective as Possible

There is no one way to market a business. One can take dozens of approaches, each a better or worse choice in a given situation. Different tactics will produce different results depending on your industry, audience, offer, and reputation. However, a strategy focused on compound marketing efforts will—in most cases—be most beneficial to your growth and sustainability.

Let’s examine what compound marketing is and what makes it so effective.

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Why You Should Identify Your Ideal Client (and How to Do So)


While it might be nice to think that your business can serve “anyone”—after all, being able to serve anyone means that you have the potential to work with everyone—this, unfortunately, isn’t the reality. Even the most accessible businesses will have certain clients that are inherently more valuable than others. These “ideal clients” are critical to identify, so let’s talk about how you can do so.

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Enhancing Your Sales Presentation Strategy

Enhancing Your Sales Presentation Strategy

In sales, context is everything. Crafting a compelling sales presentation remains a cornerstone of successful business interactions. In today's rapidly evolving landscape, merely delivering information is just not enough. The true measure of a presentation's success lies in its resonance with the audience. For everyone involved in the sales process, understanding this dynamic is crucial for driving meaningful engagement and fostering lasting connections.

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How To Use Marketing Videos on Your MSP Website

How To Use Marketing Videos on Your MSP Website

Effectively communicating and relaying information to visitors to your website is easier with marketing videos.  Communicate your services, company culture, company values and anything else you think is important to your prospective and established customers via video. To the uninformed and unprepared mind, marketing videos may seem like a lot of work, but with some information and planning, your MSP website can start reaping the benefits of adding marketing videos to your website.

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