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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

Improve Your MSP eNewsletter by Doing These 7 Things

Improve Your MSP eNewsletter by Doing These 7 Things

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 83 percent of B2B marketers use email newsletters for content marketing. What can you do to make sure that your business stands out to your list in their inboxes?

We recently talked about 5 Essential Parts to a Quality MSP eNewsletter in another blog. After you’ve got the essentials figured out, you need to make the effort to stand out from other digital newsletters. In this blog, we’ll cover how to do just that. 

A Reminder of What Your MSP Digital Newsletter Needs

To reiterate what we talked about in our previous blog, your eNewsletter should have:

  • A good subject line
  • Proper branding
  • Blog articles
  • Links to your social media accounts
  • CAN-SPAM compliance requirements

If your own digital newsletter has these five things, great! You’re on the right track. However, you can personalize it with a little extra effort to help make your recipients take notice.  

Make Your MSP eNewsletter Stand Out

directive enewsConsider taking advantage of the following items to better personalize your digital newsletter.

  • An ‘About Us’ Section - New subscribers to your enewsletter might not know a lot about your company. Include a short blurb, and link to your About Us page so that they can learn more about you if they so desire. 
  • Company Announcements - Are you speaking somewhere? Attending a trade show? Offering a workshop of some sort? Hosting a webinar? Are you or your employees participating in a community event? Perhaps you've sponsored a softball league or raised money for a charity. Regardless of what it is, promote it in your newsletter! After the event, you can also share quick write-ups and images to show off your "human" side. 
  • Something Fun - Include some non-sales focused content that will make your audience smile. Subscribers to our eNewsletter Service get a Tech Toons Comic every month, which take common technology pain points and turn them into a humorous way to reach out to practically anyone. 
  • Employee Highlights - You can choose an employee to feature each month, and write a short article about their involvement with the company. You can include outside interests as well to create a more personable experience for the reader. Add a short blurb in your eNewsletter or just include their headshot, and redirect to a longer article on your website! 
  • Special Offers or Promotions - Give an exclusive offer to those who receive your newsletter, such as a discount or free trial for one of your services. 
  • Holiday Well Wishes - If there’s a major holiday coming up, share a general well wishes message. You can include holiday office hours as well (or, send that in a separate email so that information doesn’t get lost). 
  • Technology Fun Facts - People love fun facts! Share one related to technology with your newsletter subscribers. 
  • Social Proof - You can share a recent testimonial that you’ve received or a case study you’ve just published on your website to show your readers that local businesses are satisfied with the services that you provide them. 

Note that if you have a printed newsletter, these are all great things to include in there as well! 

BONUS TIP: Improve your open rate by resending your newsletter to those who haven’t opened it after a few days. It may have gotten lost in some people’s inboxes; give them another chance to see it! 

How Can You Fit This All in a Single Email?

Obviously you won’t have all of the above suggestions in every month; some of them are situational. Regardless, if you pick the right newsletter format and an email marketing platform that can convert your content well to a mobile-friendly design, it’s relatively easy to fit all of this content and still have it readable - regardless of the screen recipients view it on. 

Take a look at our Directive newsletter, which includes many of the above suggestions. 

If you’re interested in getting your own company electronic newsletter, we can take care of that for you through our MSP eNewsletter Service. If you have any extra content that you want to add to yours on top of the content that we provide you with, our newsletter team will work with you to make sure it is added in. Visit our service page for more information. 

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