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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

6 Website Deliverables Your MSP Website Should Have

6 Website Deliverables Your MSP Website Should Have

There are six main types of deliverables that any MSP should have at least one of on their website. Here, we go over what those are and where you should be putting them if you want them to be seen by your website visitors.

What Website Deliverables Should an MSP Have on Their Website?

1. Case Studies

Case studies are your customer success stories where you get to tell a story about how you solved a client’s problem. These are arguably one of the most powerful types of social proof for managed service providers because they provide real-world examples of how your services are beneficial. When they are industry-specific, they are a great piece of marketing collateral for a campaign targeting that particular industry.

Your MSP’s case studies can live on their own Case Studies page (and should if you have multiple). Since case studies are a great vertical marketing piece, we also recommend putting them on the related Industry service page that you have.

2. Brochures

Brochures exist to help your company promote your service offerings, and are a type of marketing collateral that are professional, brandable, affordable, informative, and versatile. They are great pieces to hand out when at live events, but we recommend adding them to your website too. This enables visitors who are interested in one or more of your service offerings to download or print information about what they’re interested in.

You should have an accompanying brochure on each of your service pages. Make these brochures easy to find with a call-to-action graphic.

3. Whitepapers

Whitepapers are high-level, lengthier marketing documents (typically between 3-15 pages) meant to target business decision makers getting ready to make a purchase. They tend to describe a technical solution as a whole using secondary resources to support the overall argument. While they may take a while to put together, they are highly desirable in the B2B space.

Your whitepapers are very valuable; as such, you should be advertising it on multiple places throughout your website. In addition to having its own landing page, we suggest advertising it via ads on your website’s homepage, on relevant service pages, and in header/footer/sidebar ads (depending on your overall website design).

4. Newsletters

Newsletters are a frequently used marketing tactic by businesses of all sizes. Whether you choose a print or digital format, monthly newsletters are a great educational touchpoint to have with leads, prospects, and clients.

We suggest having a page on your website that allows your website visitors to access all of your newsletters. On this page, visitors should be able to also sign up to receive your newsletter via a form.

5. How-To Guides

Putting together how-to guides on various technology-related subjects demonstrates your knowledge in all things IT-related. If you have any sort of knowledge center on your website, these guides should live there. They are also great for landing pages and can accompany a related blog quite nicely.

6. Checklists

Checklists are a type of educational deliverable that are easy to put together and can be a simple way to shape the opinion of the reader and/or help them accomplish a task.

Where checklist deliverables fit best on your website is going to depend on the general topic of the document in question. Similar to how-to guides, checklists can work well on landing pages and in related blog articles. You can also put them in a ‘My Documents’ area.

There are of course other types of deliverables you can add to your website too. You may have presentations you want to share, flyers your target audience can hang up around the office, or other educational documentation. Start with the six we mentioned above, then continue to expand your website documents from there.

Get Branded, Professionally Made Deliverables for Your MSP Website

If you are interested in getting deliverables for your website, we have multiple service offerings to support your needs. Whether you want a monthly newsletter, brochures to complement your Ultimate MSP Website, a case study to help tell your success story, or something else, we can provide it for you.

Once you get your own deliverables, you need to start promoting them. Contact us at 888-546-4384 if you need assistance in doing this.

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