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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

Why Digital Newsletters are an Invaluable Marketing Strategy


Newsletters are often the unsung heroes of a digital marketing strategy, especially given their impact. Often, in an attempt to shave down their marketing budget, companies will send their newsletters to the chopping block before their other marketing activities. This is a mistake, as the underestimated email newsletter has quite a bit of value to offer.

Digital newsletters can help increase many things.

The focus behind most marketing initiatives is simple: they are meant to convince someone to make the decision you want them to make. This is often achieved by convincing them to make smaller decisions that give you more opportunities to prove your knowledgeability and, by extension, your experience with the topic at hand. These smaller decisions usually entail opting in to connect with you in more and more ways.

First and foremost, your digital newsletter can serve as an excellent springboard to urge your subscribers to visit your website. As the epicenter of all of your marketing activities, your website provides your best arguments as to why the reader should enlist your services to fulfill their needs. You need your prospects, leads and current clients to have their eyes on your site in order to convince them to purchase your product and/or service. A newsletter sent to their inbox can do just that.

The same goes for social media. According to a recent study, the average person will spend a little over 5 years of their life on the assorted social channels. In light of this, it only makes sense that you leverage these channels to help you market to your target audience--and it doesn’t hurt that many of these channels have tools built in to help you attract this audience as well. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn are all excellent means of inspiring your audience through content and shared value. Newsletters can be an effective means of directing viewers to your social media pages, allowing you to make impressions on them as they scroll through their feeds.

As you’ve probably noticed, these two utilizations of digital newsletter content ultimately served the same purpose: to increase engagement with your audience. This engagement is key if you want to build a relationship with this audience, which will help lead to increased business with them. If you can provide valuable, informative content, you have a much better chance of forging a connection that leads to continued business.

Digital newsletters also decrease a very important consideration: cost.

There’s no denying the importance of financial considerations when it comes to doing business. Marketing also has the potential to be an expensive, yet necessary, endeavor. However, there are some ways to minimize these expenses, a digital newsletter being an excellent example. By cutting out the cost of production-related materials (not to mention the cost of postage), you can slash the amount you have to spend to get your message out.

How to make a must-read newsletter.

Of course, including concise, quality content is crucial to creating a newsletter that is capable of achieving all that a newsletter can--but there are other considerations that are just as important.

First of all, stick to a schedule. Your readers will only find it more difficult to invest themselves into learning from you if your lessons and insights come in randomly. Consistency, on the other hand, will help to establish a reputation of reliability.

You will also need to consider what your digital newsletter is being read on. When 48 percent of emails are opened on smartphones, and two-thirds are read on smartphones and tablets, you should make sure your newsletter looks its best by creating it to be responsive and mobile friendly.

Finally, you should always give your audience a choice of whether or not they still want to receive your marketing. Give them the option to unsubscribe, and make sure it’s simple for them to do so. This acknowledgement of their desires could have an even more positive effect on their impression of you.

For more help with digital newsletters, or any other marketing concerns you have, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.


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