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JoomConnect Blog

JoomConnect is the Marketing Agency for MSPs. We strive to help IT companies get more leads and grow. We rock at web design, content marketing, campaigns, SEO, marketing automation, and full marketing fulfillment.

FREE Referral Campaign

FREE Referral Campaign

Download Our FREE MSP Referral Campaign

Referrals are the easiest, most cost-effective leads your MSP can get!
Whether your MSP has a $150,000/year marketing budget or shoestring marketing budget, referrals are always a reliable source of new prospects. A good referral campaign will incentivize your clients to refer you to their friends and colleagues, but a great referral campaign will give your clients something of value.

That’s the goal of this campaign.

You are welcome to change the details, but the way we handle our referral program is this:

Reward EVERY Referral With a Generous Thank You

We recommend sending a generous local gift card or a nice cookie tin to the person who gave you the referral. If you send a gift card, don’t just buy them a coffee, take them out to dinner. Even better? If you have clients with restaurants (I know, it’s rare for some MSPs), treat your referral givers there! Always send a gift, even if the referral is a dud. 

Stay Transparent and Communicate Throughout the Referral Process

Treat your referrals as your finest, most sacred leads. Communicate thoroughly, give them plenty of attention, and keep the contact who referred them to you in the loop as well. If you use JoomConnect, check out our Quick Referral Addon, which includes processes in ConnectWise and Autotask to manage a sales referral from beginning to end.

Offer at Least $500 Off for the Business for Any Successful Referrals

Once a referral signs a contract, give the client that referred them a very generous discount on their next bill. It could be $500, it could be $1000, it depends on what they are spending with you. It should feel significant, but obviously it should be worth it for you too. For us, we tend to give them a free month of service, as long as the referral is comparable. It’s not a bad idea to simply have a number though, so you can tell people upfront what they’ll get, and then if you want to increase it for certain clients as a nice gesture, you can.

Extend the Same Discount for the Referral

Give your new client the same discount that you give the company that referred them. You might not think of it like this, but this is the real value of your referral program. There’s some real power when it comes to equipping your clients with a nice little favor like this. Everyone knows that every business needs an IT provider. If your clients know they can offer their friend and colleagues a handsome upfront discount by referring them to you, suddenly it gives them a little leverage. It’s a little something they can have in their back pocket. Your MSP becomes a secret weapon for them, a favor they can extend.

When you pitch this to your clients, make it feel exclusive.

“Hey and while I’m thinking about it, if you refer someone over to us, and they sign a similar support agreement, you’ll get a free month, and I’ll even extend that free month to them as well, just because it’s you.”

You are giving them something valuable. More valuable than a month off their agreement too—you are empowering them to give their friends and colleagues something of value. We all love having something in our back pocket to offer as a favor.

Download Our Free MSP Referral Campaign

Please note that you’ll likely want to make some adjustments to the text to match your referral campaign. The download includes:

  • Landing page/success page copy
  • Two emails to promote your campaign
  • An email to introduce yourself to the prospect
  • An email to thank the client who referred you

If you have an Ultimate MSP Website, review the landing page copy and let us know if you want it added to your website for you.

Download the Referral Campaign Here

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