Everything You Need to Sell BVoIP to Clients and New Prospects
BVoIP offers a great solution to generate new revenue streams and opportunities for your MSP. As a BVoIP Partner, now it's just a matter of introducing BVoIP to your market.
JoomConnect and BVoIP have teamed up to help you introduce new opportunities to your MSP. We've built a complete Direct Mail Campaign and a Webinar Campaign to put you in front of new prospects. You can choose to run the campaigns yourself, or we can brand and fulfill them for you. We also have educational deliverables, video, VoIP blogs, and a proposal template. On top of that, we can also run targeted Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google PPC Ads to drive additional traffic to your MSP.
Let's Dial Up New Opportunities
The campaigns come with everything listed below. Need help building and vetting your marketing list? Our marketing team can build a list of researched and vetted prospects in your area to start marketing to.
The prices for the campaigns are exclusive for BVoIP Partners, so let's kick off your next campaign together!
VoIP Campaign Options & Included Features
Direct Mail Campaign (DIY)
- Direct Mail Campaign
- Full Color Brochure
- Deliverable Guide: 9 Business Telephone Features You Never Knew You Always Wanted
- Landing and Success Page Copy
- Direct Mail Letter
- Oversized Postcard
- Call-To-Action for Website
- 2 Social Media Posts
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Direct Mail Campaign w/ Fulfillment
- Direct Mail Campaign
- Full Color Brochure
- Deliverable Guide: 9 Business Telephone Features You Never Knew You Always Wanted
- Landing and Success Page Copy
- Direct Mail Letter
- Oversized Postcard
- Call-To-Action for Website
- 2 Social Media Posts
- *We do the Fulfillment
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Webinar & Direct Mail (DIY)
- Webinar Campaign
- Educational PowerPoint Webinar
- Whitepaper Deliverable: VoIP the Future of
Communications is Now - Landing and Success Page Copy
- Direct Mail Webinar Invite
- Letter
- Oversized Postcard
- Webinar Invite
- 3 E-Mails
- Call To Action Ad
- Whitepaper
- Facebook Ad
- 4 Social Media Posts
- Includes Direct Mail Campaign Too!
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Webinar & Direct Mail w/ Fulfillment
- Webinar Campaign
- Educational PowerPoint Webinar
- Whitepaper Deliverable: VoIP the Future of
Communications is Now - Landing and Success Page Copy
- Direct Mail Webinar Invite
- Letter
- Oversized Postcard
- Webinar Invite
- 3 E-Mails
- Call To Action Ad
- Whitepaper
- Facebook Ad
- 4 Social Media Posts
- Includes Direct Mail Campaign Too!
- *We do the Fulfillment
VoIP Ads & Add-ons
Facebook Ads
- Deliverable: "Selecting the VoIP Solution That Fits You Best"
- Landing and Success Page Copy
- Ad for Facebook
Linkedin Ads
- Deliverable: "Selecting the VoIP Solution That Fits You Best"
- Landing and Success Page Copy
- Ad for LinkedIn
AdWords DIY
- Deliverable: "Selecting the VoIP Solution That Fits You Best"
- Deliverable: "9 Business Telephone Features You Never Knew You Always Wanted"
- 2 Landing Page and Success Page Copy
- 10 Ads
AdWords w/ Fulfillment
- Deliverable: "Selecting the VoIP Solution That Fits You Best"
- Deliverable: "9 Business Telephone Features You Never Knew You Always Wanted"
- 2 Landing Pages
- 2 Ad Groups
- 10 Ads
- Ad Setup
- Ad Budget Not Included*
10 VoIP Blog Packages
- 5 Packages Available
- Each VoIP package contains 10 blogs about VoIP. These blogs are educational and include a call to action to reach out for more information. You can promote these blogs across social media and use them throughout your marketing. Includes content, images, metadata and tags.
Proposal Template
- You've impressed your new prospect with your marketing, now seal the deal with a branded VoIP proposal. This template is a Microsoft Publisher template that we will brand for your company.
Check Out Our VoIP Video
ONLY $495 PER VIDEO! Video Includes:
- Branding of the Video
- Added to your YouTube account
- Landing Page
- Added to your MSP Website
- Letter from CEO
- Social Media Posts
- Oversized Posctard
Lead List Services

ONLY $1000 FOR 50 LEADS! Start Your Campaign Off Right:
- Available in 50 contact increments
- Available as a monthly service or on-demand
- All leads are checked for accuracy
- Each contact is guaranteed