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Thank you for your interest in our Company Picnic Checklist!

Picnic Planning Guide and Checklist

This handy document can help you prepare your own picnic to be a rousing success.

Inside you’ll find the critical considerations you’ll have to take into account as you are planning your event, and just to make it simpler for you - it’s been broken down by time left before the event. So say goodbye to the last-minute scramble to prepare all the little details you had forgotten until then.

This step by step guide will assist you as you consider your date, who your guests will be and how to invite them, your possible theme, menu, and activities, and how to leverage your picnic into a potent promotional tool.

The staff here at JoomConnect are all about having a good time and unwinding every now and then. That’s why we created this checklist - to help you to plan a party that is both promotional and pleasing to your guests. Download your copy!

We certainly hope that (with the help of this checklist) your picnic goes wonderfully, and that it provides you with an excellent example of your company culture to showcase - in addition to some great memories!